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Активно ищет работу

Алматы, не готова к переезду, готова к командировкам


  • Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 13 лет 3 месяца

Май 2021по настоящее время
3 года 11 месяцев


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Development manager
Realised project of renovation (opening branches in new format) Relocation of Mcrbranches Realised alternative sales channel Budget creating Micro branch opening template Optimisation of mass staff
Декабрь 2017Апрель 2021
3 года 5 месяцев
Home Credit Bank KZ
Chief specialist of procurement unit
responsibilities include: 1) Identifying suppliers of goods and services, the outcome of which was - the best price, quality of goods, timing; 2) Liaising with suppliers and customers, establishing mutual understanding, working closely with internal customers to understand the details of procurement requirements; 3) Calculating TCOs for purchases requiring this analysis; 4) participating in the development of VND, methodological guidelines for the work of the procurement department; 5) was a clerk, simultaneously with the procurement - there were no claims from the part of audit to the documents for this period 6) category: marketing, bank category (plastic cards, АТМ, terminals, service, hr, IT technique and others) Work Achievements: 1) Conducted procedure of choosing of partner for the Bank to select a general supplier for manufacturing plastic cards in the best price-quality ratio 2) Developed with internal requester together a framework contract for market research: CATI, CAPI, CAWI, FG, GI and Hol tests 3) Conducted a full-scale RFP for the Bank for the purchase of equipment, MFPs 4) Took part in a RFP to choose a supplier for procurement/manufacturing of printing products 5) obtained the best conditions for ATM service, initiated optimization of this service 6) initiated the reduction of the Bank's expenses for cash collection services
Сентябрь 2014Ноябрь 2017
3 года 3 месяца
Home Credit Bank KZ
Leading specialist of procurement unit
responsibilities include: 1) Provide advice and practical assistance to employees of other structural units, as well as its branches on emerging issues in activities related to the procurement of goods and services; 2) to develop and form procurement plan of the Bank in cooperation with structural divisions of the Bank; 3) analyze incoming orders for procurement of goods and services, draw up proposals for tenders, notify structural units of holding tenders and convening Procurement Committee, participate in drawing up documents and contracts relating to procurement 4) to prepare and send inquiries to organizations concerning procurement issues, as well as conduct business correspondence with clients and counterparties 5) carry out the procedures related to recording, making and registration of changes and additions to the archived procurement documents; 6) development of the INA 7) clerk
Октябрь 2013Август 2014
11 месяцев
Home Credit Bank KZ
Administrative Specialist
1) Providing a report on the most effective sources for placing ads to find candidates 2) Posting ads in newspapers 3) Submitting reports to the accounting department, closing documents 4) Concluding contracts
Октябрь 2012Июнь 2013
9 месяцев
College Adilet
Teacher of technical disciplines
The disciplines I taught were: 1) Operation of oil and gas wells 2) Automation of technological process control systems
Октябрь 2011Сентябрь 2012
1 год
Kostanay oil base Munai onimderi
Laboratory Technician, Analyst
1) Carrying out certification, control and other tests of petroleum products in accordance with the requirements 2) Issuance of test results and recommendations on the technological process to improve the quality of petroleum products 3) Sampling from reservoirs of different types and capacities 4) Carrying out at the request of the Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Certification and control tests for verification and validation Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Обо мне

I am characterized by: Diligence, responsibility - I strive to structure any information; - Easily find common language and like working with people; - I do well individually, but can work in a team as well; - I have a long experience in writing internal regulatory documents, methodological guidelines for the work of the procurement department; - Received 2 Chevron scholarships while studying for my master's degree - I was in Poland as an exchange student, to gain knowledge about exploitation of gas and oil wells - I actively study English, and I take every opportunity to improve it

Высшее образование (Магистр)

Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpaev
Oil and gas , Operation of oil and gas wells
Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpaev
Oil and gas, Development of oil and gas wells

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы


Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения