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Male, 43 years, born on 26 July 1981

Considers offers

Almaty, willing to relocate (Almaty, Kazakhstan), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Исполнительный/коммерческий директор/руководитель проектов

7 000 $ in hand

  • Chief executive officer (CEO)
  • Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
  • Chief operating officer (COO)
  • Branch manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 22 years 10 months

September 2024currently
7 months
ITC "Ready4Trade Central Asia" in Uzbekistan (Phase II)

Tashkent, www.intracen.org/

Business Services... Show more

National Project Coordinator
• Work with key clients to facilitate the development of project work plans, monitor and ensure timely implementation of project activities in Uzbekistan according to the work plan, identify problems and issues to be addressed and propose corrective actions; liaise with relevant parties; identify and track follow-up actions. • Carry out research on selected aspects of the project, to include collecting, analyzing and presenting statistical data and other information gathered from diverse sources. • Assist in performing consulting assignments, in collaboration with ITC experts and international consultants, plan and facilitate workshops. • Participate in survey initiatives; assist with design of data collection tools, review, analyze and interpret responses, identify problems/issues and prepares preliminary conclusions. • Contribute to the preparation of various written technical outputs, e.g. draft background papers, analytical notes, sectoral analysis, etc. oversee inputs from other national consultants, grantees and implementing partners of the project in Uzbekistan and provide technical comments as required. • Provide inputs for project progress reports (quarterly and annual) related to activities undertaken in the country. • Assist in organizing various project events, and consultations with project stakeholders and beneficiaries (both bilateral meetings and roundtables), including identification and mobilization of key public and private stakeholders and national resource persons, and making administrative and logistical arrangements for the events. • Coordinate organization and provide substantive support for project events, including training workshops and seminars, consultative and other meetings, conferences, etc., to include proposing agenda topics, identifying participants, preparation of documents and presentations, etc. • Assist in preparation of missions for ITC experts and international consultants and accompany them during their meetings; provides interpretation from/to English and Russian or local language, as required; draft mission summaries; provide assistance in follow up actions. • Undertake outreach activities by organizing external communications for the project, e.g. through presentations at relevant key events in the country and regular dissemination of project results, through press releases, web-stories, success stories, presentations, etc. • Coordinate activities related to budget and financial expenditures at country level (programme/project preparation and submissions, progress reports, financial statements, etc.) and preparation of related documents/reports. • Maintain close coordination with project partners, ensure synergies, avoid overlaps in project implementation, collaborate with other donors working in the same area, provide information relevant to the project.
February 2022August 2024
2 years 7 months
ITC Project "Ready4Trade Central Asia" in Uzbekistan

Tashkent, ready4trade.intracen.org/en

Business Services... Show more

National Project Manager
- Assisted in the analysis and development of the National Roadmap to eliminate trade barriers in the Republic of Uzbekistan. - Coordinated the creation and launch of the National Trade Facilitation Platform, "Uzbekistan Trade Info" (www.uztradeinfo.uz). This platform provides users with detailed step-by-step information on export, import, and transit procedures by product categories. - Participated in the comprehensive mapping (digitization) of information and communication technologies used in export-import operations, as well as interagency and cross-border information exchange flows (CART.IS) for Uzbekistan. - Managed the implementation of an Export Management Training Initiative for SMEs, which included on-site coaching missions. Conducted 38 coaching sessions with exporting enterprises in Uzbekistan. - Organized the launch of an online training platform for small businesses focused on export and international trade. The curriculum covered topics such as international trade rules, transit routes, export procedures, EU export regulations, and specialized subjects like customs and currency control in Uzbekistan and food exports to Europe. - Coordinated the drafting and submission of Uzbekistan’s National E-Commerce Strategy to the Cabinet of Ministers, prepared in collaboration with international ITC experts and a working group from Uzbekistan. - Facilitated group training sessions and individual coaching on all aspects of e-commerce for SMEs, covering topics from account setup to online sales. Over 25 entrepreneurs (including artisans and textile industry representatives) participated, and 10 of the businesses were women-led. Trained six national coaches and adapted coaching materials for Uzbekistan. - Provided technical assistance to four textile companies in Uzbekistan to list their products on the European B2B platform "Forsource." - Supervised training sessions in collaboration with the State Customs Committee and the Association of Business Women of Uzbekistan, aimed at raising awareness among border control staff on gender-specific challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. Over 130 women from government agencies and businesses attended. - Developed training materials tailored to Uzbekistan on trade-related trust-building and enforcement for women entrepreneurs, in partnership with the Association of Customs Brokers. Conducted training sessions for over 80 women entrepreneurs in Tashkent, Namangan, and Kokand. - Supported a survey of over 1,500 women involved in trade across Central Asia to identify barriers and provide solutions. Contributed to the publication "Opening Borders for Women: Gender-Sensitive Trade Facilitation in Central Asia."
August 2020February 2022
1 year 7 months
ITC "Ready4Trade Central Asia" in Uzbekistan

Tashkent, www.intracen.org/

Business Services... Show more

National Advisor on coordination with national public institutions
- Support the Project team in mobilizing relevant project partner and beneficiary organizations. - Support the Project team in arranging for requests for meetings, consultations, and participation in project events for the key focal points in the partner and beneficiary organizations. - Collect necessary information, background documents, statistics, legislative documents from the relevant Ministries, and other Government institutions. - Assist the Project team in organizing the validations process of project activities, outputs, documents produced when necessary with relevant Government institutions. - Maintain a clear line of communication with ITC throughout the process and submit brief monthly status reports highlighting progress made and challenges encountered.
May 2017August 2020
3 years 4 months
IP Abdullaeva / ИП Абдуллаева


Public Services... Show more

Commercial Director / Коммерческий директор
- promotion of the cosmetic brands "Make-Up Studio Amsterdam" (Netherlands), "TEMPTU" (USA), "Shik Beauty" (Russia) and "Promakeup Lab" (Russia), as official representative in Kazakhstan market. - annual sales of cosmetics increased to more then 200 000 USD; - created distribution supply chain of professional cosmetics to all main cities of Kazakhstan (totally 11 cities) - in 2 years (2018, 2019) beauty festival "Makeup Days Asia" become very popular among specialists, brands and visitors, the attendance was more than 3500 people, participated 50 professional brands and 70 foreign speakers; - closely worked with Mass Media (channel 31, Muzzone, HitTV, Forbes.kz, Harper's Bazaar, Business FM, Russian radio Kazakhstan, etc.) to promote events of our company.
February 2016May 2017
1 year 4 months
ТОО “Pro Logistic Kazakhstan” LLC

Almaty, www.prologistic.biz/

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Analyst of Marketing and Sales Department / Аналитик Департамента продаж и маркетинга
- actively participated in the promotion of the company's services to new markets of Iran and Afghanistan; - supported Marketing Department to prepare necessary information for Transport and Logistic Exhibition in Almaty, that helped to attract more partners; - increased the clients base to more than 200 companies.
November 2012January 2016
3 years 3 months
Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan / Министерство внешних экономических связей, инвестиций и торговли Республики Узбекистан

Tashkent, www.mfer.uz/ru/

Government Organizations... Show more

Head of Department / Начальник управления международных и региональных организаций
- participated in negotiation process for attracting grants, concessional financing and investments of international organizations (UNDP, ADB, IDB, USAID, IMF, SCO, etc.) and donor countries into the economy of Uzbekistan for a total amount of more than 2 billion dollars. - involved as national consultant in the UN Development Project on "Doing business in Uzbekistan" and participated in preparation of manual brochure "How to export from Uzbekistan", implemented 8 projects in Navoyi Free Economic Zone, technical assistance to "Uzinfoinvest" Agency; - coordinated the activity of Working Group of Uzbekistan to WTO accession process as executive secretary; - supervised the press-secretary work of the Ministry; - informational support of activities associated with visits and trips of delegations of the Republic of Uzbekistan for attendance at meetings of International and Regional Organizations. - control and manage the preparation of the international seminars, conferences, joint forums, presentations, exhibitions and other economic events of the Ministry in the Republic and abroad.
September 2011August 2012
1 year
ООО «Solid Investments and Securities» LLC


Multiprofile Asset Management... Show more

Deputy Director for Financial and Economic issues / Заместитель директора по финансово-экономическим вопросам
- controlled financial resources of company: operational cost and maintenance expenses of all company's real estate was decreased by 15%; - during the construction of 2 residential complexes, achieved to reduce construction cost by 25% and improved the quality of buildings; - initiated audit and revision of the acting contracts with tenants, increased the company profit by 10% in 1 year.
June 2011September 2011
4 months
СП ООО «Coca-Cola Ichimligi Uzbekistan» JV LLC

Tashkent, www.ccbu.uz/

Food Products... Show more

Chief analyst / Ведущий аналитик отдела сбыта и маркетинга
- preparation of reports on sales of soft drinks; - analyzing the activities of sales agents on product sales and making proposals to increase sales; - analyzing the activity of the marketing service and making proposals for its improvement; - forecasting the development of soft drinks sales.
July 2010May 2011
11 months
"Dom Oborudovaniya" LLC / ООО «Дом Оборудования»

Tashkent, dpo.gl.uz/

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Chief Sales Manager / Ведущий менеджер отдела продаж
- negotiate with potential customers, preparing and signing contracts; - coordination after-sale service and provision of additional services; - consult customers with equipment selection; - preparation commercial offers and provide customers with distributing materials; - promotion of professional equipment of "Electrolux" in Uzbekistan's market (kitchen and laundry equipment) as Official representative.
January 2004June 2010
6 years 6 months
Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations of Uzbekistan / Министерство внешних экономических связей Республики Узбекистан

Tashkent, www.mfer.uz/ru/

From junior officer to Head of European and Americas Countries Department / от специалиста до начальника отдела стран Европы и Америки Главного информационно-аналитического управления
- participation in negotiations on bilateral and multilateral agreements, contracts of the Republic of Uzbekistan on trade, economic, financial, technical and investment cooperation issues; - preparing proposals on strategic issues of the Uzbekistan for the development of economic cooperation with European and American countries; - preparing proposals for enhancement of financial and technical cooperation with international financial institutes and donor organizations from European and American countries.
September 2002August 2003
1 year
National Republic Liceuim of Tashkent / Национальный Республиканский лицей г. Ташкент


Educational Institutions... Show more

Computer Science Teacher / Учитель информатики
conducting theoretical and practical classes on the use of Windows operating system applications (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.), as well as Internet capabilities
December 1999August 2000
9 months
Bukhara Light Industry College / Колледж легкой промышленности г.Бухара


Educational Institutions... Show more

English Language Teacher / Учитель английского языка
conducting theoretical and practical lessons on the use of English grammar and speaking skills


Skill proficiency levels
Анализ инвестиционных проектов
Аналитические исследования
Ведение переговоров
Региональное развитие
Экономический анализ
Международные контакты
Подготовка коммерческих предложений
Финансовый анализ
Управление персоналом
Обучение персонала
Управление проектами
Оценка инвестиционных проектов
Английский язык
Управление продажами
Организаторские навыки
Проведение презентаций
Маркетинговый анализ
MS PowerPoint
Работа в команде
Организация конференций
Организация выставок
Деловая переписка
Заключение договоров
Организация мероприятий
Административное управление
Поиск и привлечение клиентов
Деловое общение
Управленческие навыки
Руководство коллективом
Навыки переговоров

Driving experience

Driver's license category B, C

About me

- без вредных привычек

Higher education (master)

Ташкентский Государственный Институт Востоковедения
Международные отношения и экономики, Теория и история международных отношений
Бухарский Государственный Университет
Экономика, Экономика (заочно)
Ташкентский Государственный Институт Востоковедения
Международные отношения и экономика, Международные отношения



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

SpanishA2 — Elementary

TajikA2 — Elementary

TurkishB1 — Intermediate

Professional development, courses

29-й Региональный практический курс “Основные вопросы повестки дня в международной экономике", г.Белград, Сербия
Конференция ООН по торговле и развитию (UNCTAD), изучил процессы привлечения грантов и льготного финансирования со стороны международных организаций.
Региональный практический семинар Всемирной торговой организации (ВТО) по вопросам сельского хозяйства
ВТО и Совместный Венский Институт (Joint Vienna Institute), г.Вена, Австрия, получил практические знания по ведению переговоров в процессе вступления в ВТО на примере сельского хозяйства.
Практический курс "Развитие внешней торговли и продвижение инвестиций", г.Сеул, Южная Корея
Корейское агентство по международному сотрудничеству (KOICA) и Корейский Институт Социальной Политики и Менеджмента (KDI), получил новые знания по привлечению прямых иностранных инвестиций.
Дипломатический курс “Роль инвестиций в международных отношениях ”
Министерство иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан и Университет Мировой Экономики и Дипломатии, получил навык дипломатической деятельности.

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter