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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online yesterday at 11:29
Female, 45 years, born on 29 November 1979
Considers offers
Saint Petersburg, willing to relocate (Almaty, Moscow, Samara), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
QC Coordinator, Document Control / Turnover Lead, Systems Completion, handover coordinator
- Other
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, rotation based work
Work experience 19 years 3 months
August 2019 — currently
5 years 8 months
Oil and Gas... Show more
Systems Completion Database Coordinator/Координатор базы данных мех завершения работ
Provide support to the Completion Teams to identify and prioritize needs for meeting All Completion Requirements; from handover of all deliverables, preparation and readiness for Technical, Working and State Acceptance Commissions
Ensure all Engineering equipment tags are allocated in the right sub-system according to system
Review and identify equipment tags for each discipline
Ensure all Check sheets & Punch items that has been completed with signed-off/approved by the contractors and authorized discipline engineers from PMT side as per completions required.
Ensure all completed check sheets and certificates have scan copy and signed-off as completed in the CMS
Ensure all related document have links or references such as colored mark-up drawings, As Built drawings, engineering datasheets, queries, source data, Purchase Order (if required), vendor documents to the tags or records are available for auditing, exporting of data and hand over to the turnover
Ensure company policies, procedures and guidelines are followed as required for the Turn-over before operation
Control and coordinate QVD allocation in accordance with drawings and subsystems in MCPlus
Обеспечение необходимой информацией и генерирование контрольных ведомостей для подрядчиков во время фазы пусконаладки проекта. Убедиться, что все данные загружаютсяя в базу механического завершения работ в соответствии с проектными чертежами, кабельными журналами и схемами. Удостовериться, что все дефектные ведомости закрыты на этапе подписания писем при передачи подсистем в эксплуатацию.
July 2017 — August 2019
2 years 2 months
Oil and Gas... Show more
QC Data Management Supervisor/Руководитель отдела данных и Контроля качества
Check and provide contractors with latest CHLs and ITPs
Check QVD (acts, check lists, spec, manuals, tech passports and etc) and handover to Turnover
Train the Data Management Team members in all aspects of the team’s function and ensure continuity and consistency within and across other project teams.
Train and educate the Contractor Quality and Turnover Teams in all aspects of the team’s function and ensure continuity and consistency.
Establish a reporting system of the performance through quality performance indicator(registration & monitoring NFIs/SRs/NCRs)
Coordinate and Review the Inspection Records of contractors (TOD) as per ITPs & as-built documents as per GOST-SNiP requirement, standards (Interface with FGP RA department)
Issued the INDEX of TOD for contractors as per SOW (job package)
Проверка досье подрядчика, создание регистра по учету проверок на строительной площадке, рассылка оповещений на обходы, организация собраний и ведение протокола, учет и регистрация отчетов по наблюдениям и отчетов по несоответствиям.
July 2016 — August 2016
2 months
Oil and Gas... Show more
Quality Management DataBase Administrator
QA\QC Admin in Reliability Group \ SGP Turnaround 2016 (temporary project)
QMDB Maintenance, Job Packs, Check lists, Weld logs
Ведение базы данных по учету контрольных ведомостей во время кап ремонта, составление рабочих пакетов, ведение сварочного журнала
July 2014 — December 2014
6 months
Kazakhstan, www.tecnomare.it
Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more
QC \ Doc Control Specialist / Специалист по контролю качества проектной документации
Process one or more document types through all procedural steps in accordance with well-defined procedures and guidelines.
Utilize the standard Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS), InfoWorks, to receive, track, register, control, distribute, and transmit design documentation received from project team.
Enter data and produce reports using other standard office automation or department-specific computer applications.
Maintain & improve existing Microsoft (MS) Excel databases in engineering document registration system.
Co-ordination and analyses with Civil/E&I/Process Engineers on current job pack and drawings revisions.
Distribution of additional and updated drawings for the Client.
Distribute “controlled copies” of procedure to any/all local locations and ensure delivery and removal of old revisions at remote locations.
Receive, verify and distribute all drawings and submittals as required by the project scope and procedures.
Ensure timely review of submittals.
Ensure that all documents have no errors in filenames, submissions, etc before submitting it to the next department to avoid confusion.
Coordinate, control and inform Engineers about Work Packs received with comments.
Обязанности по ведению проектной документации. Ведение регистров. Согласование документов и передачи документов по проекту. Предоставление проектной документации подрядным организациям.
Контроль качества за выпуском документов. EDMS.
January 2012 — January 2014
2 years 1 month
CPC expansion project \ KPV group \ ILF
Atyrau, www.ilf.com
Executive documentation coordinator / Координатор по исполнительной документации
Set up of Executive Document Management System (Share Point Data Base, Windows application used for Support of Projects Document turnover) for Project.
Acceptance of Project documentation incoming through DCC, quality check and classification in Document Management System
Distribution of Project documentation upon the Management’s (Project Manager/Deputy) instructions to the Specialists and submission of their review results to proper parties within requested time-frame.
Submission of documentation (Internal documents, comment sheet, etc) outgoing via DCC to the PMT Department Representative
Check and acceptance of the incoming Project Correspondence through DCC, and classification in Document Management System
Registering the outgoing Correspondence, quality check and classification in Document Management System.
To control the process of executive documentation handover .
To coordinate and distribute Vendor documentation, certificates, check sheets, acts via Share Point. Minutes of meetings.
Ведение исполнительной документации по проекту расширения Каспийского трубопровода. Координация и Прием документов от подрядчиков, встречи и согласование при приеме актов о проделанной работе,
Создание архива документов и реестров о преемке. Контроль приема-сдачи исполнительной документации от подрядчиков, проверка на соответствие, координация актов, сертификатов.
Взаимодействие с отделом снабжения. Составление заявок на материалы. Анализ и обработка сертификатов, спецификаций от поставщиков, сбор и контроль качества пакета документов. Обновление базы данных. Ведение протоколов собраний.
Сотрудничество с поставщиками оборудования. Прием документов и рассылка.
May 2008 — August 2011
3 years 4 months
Karachaganak petroleum operating
Aksay (Kazakhstan), kpo.kz
Technical specialist /Personal Assistant to Engineering Dept. / Специалист по тех вопросам в отделе проектирования
Provide the engineering team with technical support (drawings, concession requests, site technical queries, engineering investigation requests, material requests)
Check and red lined drawings as per engineer requests.
Prepare datasheets & data records to support the engineers in resolving technical queries.
Maintain the technical query register and ensure timely response.
Prepare engineering packages of technical, vendor documents and drawings for submission to local authorities and contractors.
Control of external documents, codes and standards as applicable to the project referring on DCC procedures and Quality Management System.
Check the progress of documents production by Contractor (s) in accordance with the schedule
Process incoming \ outgoing technical documents (registration in the Project EDMS, internal dispatch, archiving, transmitting to Contractors as per Project procedure).
Retain all Project documentation (Project Management, Technical Documents, Vendor Documentation, etc).
Data and information processing tasks and activities as directed by assigned Lead/Snr. Discipline Engineers. Cable Tracking System.
Тех поддержка отдела проектирования. Составление презентаций, Отчетов, переводы. Редактирование чертежей (RED LINE). Подготовка ответов на тех вопросы от подрядчиков. Контроль за своевременными ответами на тех запросы. Работа с базой EDMS. Посещение собраний с подрядчиками. Составление таблиц и схем по запросу инженеров, подготовка тех пакета документов. Ведение кабельного журнала (база данных), создание дополнительных реестров.
January 2006 — January 2008
2 years 1 month
Technical assistant / Технический ассистент
SGI/SGP Commissioning Start-up & Handover Group.
Technical Documents Handling.
Preparation of the progress reports.
Responsibility for Walkdown packages and notifying relevant persons to attend Walkdown.
Punch List collecting.
Checking outstanding documents for systems (Quality Verification Docs, Regulatory Affairs, As-built, Red lined docs).
Техническая поддержка группы приема-передачи проекта. Составление писем на согласование систем (установок). Мониторинг систем и своевременная подготовка пакета документов для передачи системы. Согласование приема-передачи системы с отделами контроля качества, строительства, проектирования.
January 2005 — January 2006
1 year 1 month
Cape industrial services ltd
HR assistant / Ассистент отдела управления и развития кадров
Registration control, travel, accommodation, catering, training and badge arrangements for employees.
Safety courses organization.
Responsibility for labor agreements and statements due to HR procedures.
Business correspondences (Letters, Memos, Faxes).
Performance of secretary’s duties.
Controlling all incoming and outgoing documents.
Manpower reports and rotation schedules.
Maintenance of the HR Data base.
Оформление работников. Организаций тренингов и пропусков на проект.
Ведение базы данных, поиск персонала по резюме, проведение интервью.
January 2004 — January 2005
1 year 1 month
Consumable construction int. company
Aksay (Kazakhstan)
HR assistant / Ассистент главы администрации и отдела кадров
Assisting HR Administrator in the recruitment.
Compiling and maintaining Data Base with CVs.
Maintaining employee file records.
Organizing staff trainings.
Registration of foreign employees in Migration Police Department.
Coordinating training, tickets, accommodation and catering service.
Controlling attendance of employees.
Assisting and advising employees in accordance with HR procedures.
Providing general administrative support in HR department
Админ поддержка в отделе администрирования и кадров. Составление приказов, регистрация, прием и ведение личных дел сотрудников. Ведение учета рабочего времени и посещения сотрудников. Составление графика для водителей компании, ведение учета топлива. Организация корпоративных мероприятий.
September 2002 — January 2004
1 year 5 months
Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more
Reception, placement of the guests in the hotel. Maintain service in the hotel rooms. Travel arrangement (booking, taxi, flights)
Control the work of hotel staff: drivers, cleaning-ladies and etc.
Organise internal events such as teambuildings or New Year Party in the hotel.
Административный обязанности в отеле при заселении гостей. Организация сервиса, в том числе по ресторану. Контроль и ведение смен и учета работы водителей и персонала по уборке.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
Technical Specialist / Admin Support to Multi discipline Engineering departments providing documentation support retrieval and archiving duties , Data compiling and reviewing ,transmittal and control of critical path documentation and work-packs, liaising with vendors and sub contractors to ensure timely preparation commencement and completion of all associated documents drawings and certification of pre planned or scheduled tasks commissioning and acceptance sheets . Administration of support services and historical data storage for audit trail purposes, with extensive experience in my field spanning 17 years within the oil and gas and public resources domain.
I have experience in the following: Engineering, Construction, Mechanical, Planning, Quality Control & Assurance, Commissioning and Project Completions. Familiar with WinPcs, EDMS, Documentum, Maximo.
Familiar with Red Line Markups processing, Vendor Documentation processing. Handover Documentation preparation and submission to appropriate parties as Operations and State Agencies, Pre-fabrication SQ, TQ, Test Packs, Checklists, Work orders, Quality process, Commissioning process,etc.
Responsible, honest, reliable, punctual, attentive to details. Good work experience in multinational groups.
Available ASAP, relocation if necessary.
Higher education
Management, Management of Process and Projects
West Kazakhstan State University
Translation, Linguistics
Uralsk Technical college
Systems of electrical connection and communications (E&I), Тechnician of telecommunication
Professional development, courses
TCO FGP project
Tengizchevroil, Quality Control Management Programme / ISO
Company training department
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating b.v, Effective reporting
Tests, examinations
West Kazakhstan State University, Linguistics
Agro-Technical College, Systems of electrical connection and communication
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter